'Data-driven communication' is a well-known term in the PR industry. And what about the implementation of activities of this kind? Activities that do not consist in communicating financial or sales results (especially if they are beneficial), but show deeper, more important (also socially) aspects of the company's operation, which can be quantified? Companies usually have such data, but for various reasons they do not want to make it public. Meanwhile, they could gain a lot in terms of credibility, trust or brand recognition. Volkswagen has embarked on this path as part of a project implemented jointly with InsightOut Lab. 

Read reports: Użytkownicy Volkswagenów ocenili technologie w modelach ID.; Volkswagen sprawdził, jak jego klienci korzystają z elektrycznych modeli ID. 


The aim of the study was to find out how owners of electric VW ID. models use their cars. For this purpose, we decided to collect information "first-hand", that is from the users of electric VW models themselves. We also wanted to create a comparative context and check how our research group looks in selected areas compared to the owners of "electricians" of other brands, or drivers in general. 

The company's internal data has an indisputable value – it allows you to view the real and direct impressions of customers. Thanks to this, we can present a specific issue regarding electrified motorization, where the source of information are real users of technology. In addition, comparing the impressions of the brand's customers with the ideas of other groups gives a unique opportunity to explore, develop and further communicate empirically confirmed knowledge. 


A key element of the project was a quantitative survey among owners of electric Volkswagen ID models. To collect user feedback, we developed a survey, the questions of which were asked to VW customers by phone. Our years of experience in both research and electromobility have allowed us to select key issues. This stage of the process was designed so that the survey of VW customers could be compared as many points as possible with the results of other studies we conducted at the IOL on electromobility, as well as with market and statistical data. The raw data collected in this way was subject to a thorough and multifaceted analysis, which was the basis for drawing conclusions and developing materials in a form accessible to the recipients. 


The final result of the research were two reports and related analyses in the form of articles. The texts were not a summary of the results, but also an attempt to understand and explain the contexts of two topics of using an electric car on a daily basis and using the technologies available in it. 

Users of electric Volkswagens use their cars very actively. 44% of VW ID. owners drive more than 400 km per week. This is more than the average car driver in Poland. In addition to dealing with everyday matters, they do not avoid shorter and longer trips out of town. For most, changes in range resulting from weather conditions are unlikely to affect the daily use of the car. 

New technologies have been at the heart of the automotive industry for some time now. Their value is significant and is expected to increase several times in the coming years. According to the consulting company McKinsey, the total value generated by the broadly understood use of "connected-car" services will reach $ 550 billion in 2030, with an estimated $ 64 billion in 2020. The driver assistance systems market alone, according to Research and Markets, will be worth $5.3 billion in 2027. Polish owners of ID. models highly appreciate the technology in their cars. They are particularly pleased with the IQ Lights, but they also appreciate the Travel Assist system and Infoentertainment. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means "very dissatisfied" and 10 means "very satisfied", the following technologies scored: IQ Lights – 8.4; IQ. Drive Travel Assist – 7.6; infotainment system – 7. 

See more of our research on electromobility: Elektromobilność - InsightOut Lab 

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